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Messages from God: 21st Century Prophets Speak for a New Age

Is it possible to get messages from God – the Divine, Holy Spirit, Creative Intelligence – or whatever name you choose for that Source from which we derive our life, love, and meaning? In a word, yes.

Three 21st Century prophets -- Ron Pappalardo, Rosalie Corame, and David Hose -- share messages they have received that have not only transformed their lives, but those of countless others as well.

Inspiring, uplifting, and full of profound wisdom, these messages have the potential to spark spiritual awakening. The messages are given in an intimately personal, easy to read manner that are appreciated by people of all faiths, or no faith at all. Above all, they reveal a God who is, above all, a loving parent who longs to encourage and assist us in reaching our highest potential.

Within these pages, God doesn't shy away from the tough questions -- Why is there evil? Why do people suffer? How can I be happy? How can we resolve conflicts, whether personal, religious, or political? What about America? What does the future hold?

No matter what your background, this book will leave you feeling hopeful, enthusiastic, and fully alive! Once you open it, you won't be able to put it down until you finish.



Messages from God: 21st Century Prophets Speak for a New Age


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